Employee satisfaction questionnaire template

Dear colleagues👋

Your opinion matters to us. Please take 5 minutes to give us your feedback which will help us target the pain points of your job position and make sure nothing hinders you from performing your work effectively.

We truly appreciate your insight and your time.

1. What team are you on?

Select one answer

  • Marketing
  • HR
  • Product
  • Sales
  • Customer support
  • Management
  • IT
  • Finance

2. How long have you been working for [your company name]?

Select one answer

  • Choose...
    • Choose...
    • 1 year or less
    • 1 - 2 years
    • 2 - 4 years
    • More than 4 years

3. Overall, how satisfied are you with your job?

(1 star = minimum satisfaction / 5 stars = maximum satisfaction)

4. How much do you agree with the following statements?

Select one answer in each row

  • Definitely agree
  • Rather agree
  • Undecided / Can't tell
  • Rather disagree
  • Definitely disagree

My work is meaningful to me.

  • Definitely agree
  • Rather agree
  • Undecided / Can't tell
  • Rather disagree
  • Definitely disagree

The assigned tasks are challenging.

  • Definitely agree
  • Rather agree
  • Undecided / Can't tell
  • Rather disagree
  • Definitely disagree

My responsibilities are clearly defined.

  • Definitely agree
  • Rather agree
  • Undecided / Can't tell
  • Rather disagree
  • Definitely disagree

My salary adequately reflects the scope of work I perform.

  • Definitely agree
  • Rather agree
  • Undecided / Can't tell
  • Rather disagree
  • Definitely disagree

I get enough opportunities for professional growth and career development.

  • Definitely agree
  • Rather agree
  • Undecided / Can't tell
  • Rather disagree
  • Definitely disagree

The amount of work stress is bearable.

  • Definitely agree
  • Rather agree
  • Undecided / Can't tell
  • Rather disagree
  • Definitely disagree

5. How much do you agree with the following statements?

Select one answer in each row

  • Definitely agree
  • Rather agree
  • Undecided / Can't tell
  • Rather disagree
  • Definitely disagree

The team listens to the ideas I bring up.

  • Definitely agree
  • Rather agree
  • Undecided / Can't tell
  • Rather disagree
  • Definitely disagree

The interaction within the team works well.

  • Definitely agree
  • Rather agree
  • Undecided / Can't tell
  • Rather disagree
  • Definitely disagree

The team is able to agree on common goals.

  • Definitely agree
  • Rather agree
  • Undecided / Can't tell
  • Rather disagree
  • Definitely disagree

Team members are aware of what their peers are working on.

  • Definitely agree
  • Rather agree
  • Undecided / Can't tell
  • Rather disagree
  • Definitely disagree

Team meetings are productive.

  • Definitely agree
  • Rather agree
  • Undecided / Can't tell
  • Rather disagree
  • Definitely disagree

The team atmosphere is positive.

  • Definitely agree
  • Rather agree
  • Undecided / Can't tell
  • Rather disagree
  • Definitely disagree

6. How much do you agree with the following statements?

Select one answer in each row

  • Definitely agree
  • Rather agree
  • Undecided / Can't tell
  • Rather disagree
  • Definitely disagree

The supervisor's expectations are realistic.

  • Definitely agree
  • Rather agree
  • Undecided / Can't tell
  • Rather disagree
  • Definitely disagree

The supervisor regularly checks on my work progress.

  • Definitely agree
  • Rather agree
  • Undecided / Can't tell
  • Rather disagree
  • Definitely disagree

The supervisor's feedback is constructive and supportive.

  • Definitely agree
  • Rather agree
  • Undecided / Can't tell
  • Rather disagree
  • Definitely disagree

The supervisor is able to appreciate well done work.

  • Definitely agree
  • Rather agree
  • Undecided / Can't tell
  • Rather disagree
  • Definitely disagree

7. How much do you agree with the following statements?

Select one answer in each row

  • Definitely agree
  • Rather agree
  • Undecided / Can't tell
  • Rather disagree
  • Definitely disagree

The company provides tools to successfully perform work tasks.

  • Definitely agree
  • Rather agree
  • Undecided / Can't tell
  • Rather disagree
  • Definitely disagree

The company allows flexible hours to accommodate work/life balance.

  • Definitely agree
  • Rather agree
  • Undecided / Can't tell
  • Rather disagree
  • Definitely disagree

The company is characterized by a high level of transparency.

  • Definitely agree
  • Rather agree
  • Undecided / Can't tell
  • Rather disagree
  • Definitely disagree

The company strives for positive work environment and company culture.

  • Definitely agree
  • Rather agree
  • Undecided / Can't tell
  • Rather disagree
  • Definitely disagree

The company has clearly defined values and strategies.

  • Definitely agree
  • Rather agree
  • Undecided / Can't tell
  • Rather disagree
  • Definitely disagree

The amount of company benefits is sufficient.

  • Definitely agree
  • Rather agree
  • Undecided / Can't tell
  • Rather disagree
  • Definitely disagree

I feel proud to represent the brand of [your company name].

  • Definitely agree
  • Rather agree
  • Undecided / Can't tell
  • Rather disagree
  • Definitely disagree

8. Award points on a scale 1 - 5 to assess the importance of values that you seek in your work environment to feel well.

(1 point = not important / 5 points = most important)

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5

Interpersonal relations

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5


  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5

Workplace equipment

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5

Open communication

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5

Company benefits

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5

Sense of usefulness

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5

Healthy company culture

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5

9. How likely is it that you would recommend applying for a job position in [your company name] to your friend?

  • 0
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10

Not at all likely

Extremely likely

10. Name three things you would like to see change in [your company name].

All ideas and suggestions count.


Use template

Employee satisfaction survey

Popularity 2925 ×

The questionnaire template of employee satisfaction provides a detailed view of loyalty and commitment and reveals potential risks in the work environment.

Use template

The survey sample is ideal for

  • senior managers,
  • HR specialists.

Use the questionnaire template of employee satisfaction in the workplace from Survio to find out how your employees communicate with each other, how they get along, what motivates them or where they see barriers to managing their job responsibilities. Continuous monitoring and evaluation of this feedback will allow you to have an adequate and timely response that will lead to improved working conditions and interpersonal relationships in the workplace. The result will be higher efficiency and lower employee turnover.

The questionnaire template can be fully edited. Survio will process your answers into well-arranged tables and graphs.

Survio is a survey software for everyone.

Survey templates make your start quick and smooth. Collect any feedback effortlessly.

What people say about us

Marketing manager, HR specialist and sales director sharing their experience with Survio.

Survey creation is straightforward and simple. Easy to navigate as a survey creator as well as a survey respondent. Quick to make unique surveys tailored to your and your company's purpose.

Linda W. Marketing manager

I've been able to design multiple surveys in just a few minutes. I'm particularly excited about the data collection, analysis, reporting & exporting capabilities, which are critical to my success as an HR.

Liam J. HR specialist

I highly recommend Survio as it is user-friendly and professional. It is definitely worth updating the free account to get more advanced features and make it an integral part of your workflow.

Edward G. Sales director

It’s not just a template. You’ll get the entire survey platform to collect desired data and understand them.

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