Employee exit survey template

Dear Sir / Madam,

Please take the time to fill out this short survey as we would like to fully understand the reasons under which you have made the decision to leave us.

1. What are in your own words at least 3 key reasons for leaving the company?


2. How effectively were your skills put to use at with us?

  • A great deal
  • A lot
  • A moderate amount
  • A little
  • None at all

3. How easy was it to get the resources you needed to do your job well at this company?

  • Extremely easy
  • Very easy
  • Easy
  • Slightly easy
  • Not at all easy

4. How much room for professional growth did you have at this company?

  • A great deal
  • A lot
  • A moderate amount
  • A little
  • None at all

5. How well were you paid for the work you did with us?

  • Extremely well
  • Very well
  • Well
  • Slightly well
  • Not at all well

6. How fairly were you treated by your superior at this company?

  • Extremely fairly
  • Very fairly
  • Moderately fairly
  • Slightly fairly
  • Not at all fairly

7. How consistently did your supervisor reward you for your hard work?

  • Extremely consistently
  • Very consistently
  • Consistently
  • Slightly consistently
  • Not at all consistently

8. How realistic were the expectations of your supervisor?

  • Extremely realistic
  • Very realistic
  • Realistic
  • Slightly realistic
  • Not at all realistic

9. How reasonable were the decisions made by your supervisor?

  • Extremely reasonable
  • Very reasonable
  • Reasonable
  • Slightly reasonable
  • Not at all reasonable

10. How often did your supervisor listen to employees' opinions when making decisions?

  • Extremely often
  • Very often
  • Often
  • Slightly often
  • Not at all often

11. How easy was it for employees to disagree with the decisions made by your superior?

  • Extremely well
  • Very well
  • Well
  • Slightly well
  • Not at all well

12. How well did your supervisor handle employee problems?

  • Extremely well
  • Very well
  • Well
  • Slightly well
  • Not at all well

13. How well did the members of your team work together to reach targets and deadlines?

  • Extremely well
  • Very well
  • Well
  • Slightly well
  • Not at all well

14. In a typical week, how often did you feel stressed at work?

  • Extremely often
  • Very often
  • Often
  • Slightly often
  • Not at all often

15. How easy was it to balance your working life and personal life, whilst working with us?

  • Extremely easy
  • Very easy
  • Easy
  • Slightly easy
  • Not at all easy

16. How safe did you feel at your employer's workplace?

  • Extremely safe
  • Very safe
  • Safe
  • Slightly safe
  • Not at all safe

17. How comfortable was your employer's work environment?

  • Extremely comfortable
  • Very comfortable
  • Comfortable
  • Slightly comfortable
  • Not at all comfortable

18. Was your employer's working environment positive, negative or neutral?

  • Extremely positive
  • Moderately positive
  • Neutral
  • Moderately negative
  • Extremely negative

19. Was your employer's health insurance plan better, worse, or about the same as those of other employers?

  • Much better
  • Somewhat better
  • About the same
  • Somewhat worse
  • Much worse

20. In a few short words what actions could we take to build a better workplace?


21. Overall, did you like working with us, dislike it or were indifferent?

  • Liked a great deal
  • Liked a moderate amount
  • Liked a little
  • Indifferent
  • Disliked a little
  • Disliked a moderate amount
  • Disliked a great deal
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Employee Exit Survey

Popularity 334 ×

Do you face high fluctuation? With an employee exit survey template, you will discover the real causes effectively and on time. Work on prevention.

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The survey sample is ideal for

  • senior managers,
  • HR specialists,
  • operations directors or company directors.

Long-term dissatisfaction, bad relationships in the team, lack of motivation, burnout syndrome - all this can lead to a decision to change the work environment. As an employer, try to prevent these situations. If you already have to solve them, get the most out of them about what does not work in the company or where there are specific problems that need to be addressed immediately. The employee leaving the job will give you open, honest criticism, and you can begin preparing corrective action.

The questionnaire template can be fully edited. Survio will process your answers into well-arranged tables and graphs.

Survio is a survey software for everyone.

Survey templates make your start quick and smooth. Collect any feedback effortlessly.

What people say about us

Marketing manager, HR specialist and sales director sharing their experience with Survio.

Survey creation is straightforward and simple. Easy to navigate as a survey creator as well as a survey respondent. Quick to make unique surveys tailored to your and your company's purpose.

Linda W. Marketing manager

I've been able to design multiple surveys in just a few minutes. I'm particularly excited about the data collection, analysis, reporting & exporting capabilities, which are critical to my success as an HR.

Liam J. HR specialist

I highly recommend Survio as it is user-friendly and professional. It is definitely worth updating the free account to get more advanced features and make it an integral part of your workflow.

Edward G. Sales director

It’s not just a template. You’ll get the entire survey platform to collect desired data and understand them.

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